Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Where Are You, Lazy Summer?

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Will Cotton

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
More Fun Art

Monday, July 19, 2010
Meghan O'Connor
As you enter the space, you step into the living room area and head in a counter-clockwise direction into the sewing/ work area. This space is a documentation of the work put into the show, as well as one of the laborious items used. After the sewing area, you enter the kitchen, full of struggling pigs, cats, and nests of birds. These are all animals that are consumed as food, but also loved as pets, which makes it easy for us to view them and give them human attributes. They are placed amidst ovens and other appliances associated with food and cooking, a common environment for seeing these animals, but the animals are taken out of context in their form to evoke emotional responses.
Once through the kitchen, you enter the bathroom, a combination of dirt and beauty. In “Rose Sink,” one can see inside the cabinet and it its full of dirt and clutter, but on top it is very organized, and made with “candy-coated” colors. One donkey stands looking in the mirror, possibly reflecting on its landscape. All of the bathroom donkeys are ether throwing their heads back, implying struggle; or lowering their heads, showing defeat. Donkeys and horses are assocciated with manual labor throughout history, getting dirty and muddy, getting pushed to the extreme. It seems appropriate to concentrate them in the “dirtiest” room of the house.
When you are “done” in the bathroom, then you enter the laundry room area full of donkeys, both large and small, and the ironing area with laundry lines. Again, this arrangement evokes the idea of labor. There are two main donkeys, one pink, and one brown. The pink donkey is connected to the washing machine, which is overflowing with similar scraps of fabric, surrounded by smaller donkeys. On the floor the pillows of a similar nature are very organized in a portable container. The brown donkey in the dryer is in a similar state. On the opposite side the laundry line is organized, and the ironing board empty, ready for more work.
Lastly, there is the reliquary area: “All that Glitters Ain’t Necessarily Gold.” This shrine area shows the passage of time. Remnants of the figures are recognizable from the space. It is their ancient ruins, broken yet golden. Imperfect but beautiful.
The entire show “Scum-Licker” is full of imperfections. It is dirty, old, there are spiders and webs everywhere, the space is organized clutter, a representation of our everyday strife. The animals themselves are somewhat ambiguous; it is hard to tell if their expressions are ones of struggle or ectasy. They are represented in a very playful manner, which hearkens to cartoons, stuffed animals, craft pillows, or even taxidermy The facial and bodily expression of the animals combined with an environemnt that is both hostile and comforting, are meant to make us question their roles, and our roles, domestically and socially. Often we ourselves are struggling with our own envrionments. We may have a love-hate relationship with doing the laundry, cooking food, or on a broader specturm, going to work, and contributing positively to society. But we do it anyway, and sometimes we cannot decide whether to laugh or to cry. We continue to “lick the scum,” why? because we have to? Or because a little part of us secretly enjoys it.
Meghan O’Connor

Friday, July 16, 2010

In the Studio

Thursday, July 15, 2010

One More Time!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
More Great Art!

Monday, July 12, 2010
Making Me Happy
1. This awesome illustration.
2. Having two days off work in a row.
3. My boyfriend coming home from camping.
4. My best friend moving here shortly.
5. The movie sale I went to yesterday.
6. The generous donations to the fundraising blog I'm doing.
7. My home.
8. The air conditioner my boyfriend's parents loaned us.
9. What's happening in my studio.
10. Tips.
11. Getting enough sleep.
12. My fixed-up bike.
13. My amazing boyfriend.
14. My amazing friends.
15. My amazing family.
16. The homemade pizza we had for dinner last night.
17. The kindness of others.
18. Art.
19. Knowing my friends are just a phone call away.
20. Thinking about fun things in the future.
21. Cool, breezy nights.
22. Finally feeling like I'm doing okay at my job.
23. The silly dream I had last night.
24. The color green.
25. New music by Cocorosie.
26. Old music by the Knife.
27. Art papers.
28. Dancing when no one's looking.
29. Singing all the time. Even when people can hear.
30. Being asked to create this list.
Thank you so much to Amelia at 101 Bird Tales for asking me to create this list of 30 things I like.
I'm suppose to invite 7 others to create a list but I want to invite all of you to do it. Even if you don't have a blog. Sit down with pen and paper and write down 30 things that make you happy. I feel like I've been so negative lately in my life and this helps me remember all the little great things. If you make one let me know. I want to see your happiness!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Two New Pieces on the Fundraiser Blog!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010
Art2LOVE Kelly Lynn Allen

Thursday, July 8, 2010
New Work