Monday, April 12, 2010

The Final Countdown

Argh!! I have a million things to do this whole week. This Saturday I put up my show. I think I got a bit of a stomach virus Saturday night that really put me out of commission yesterday. After a day of eating saltines and drinking ginger ale I'm back at it and ready to work. My blog postings will probably slow down this week. We'll see what happens. Meanwhile I want to recommend a really funny blog to you called Third and Delaware. For those of you who love fashion, this blog breaks down all the amazing fashions on the show Roseanne. It's really funny and snarky and a good read for those who are fans of the show. Or those who hate the show. I am a fan of Roseanne. My mom once said she hates the show because she thinks Dan overacts. That kills me! I love Dan!
Okay, I'm dorking out and procrastinating. Please please wish me luck this week!


Anonymous said...

I'm new to blogger. I somehow randomly ran across yours on the website. Your blog is interesting.

A Beautiful Party said...

thank you so much Amy!

Mira Reisberg AKA The Picture Book Whisperer said...

You're going to do brilliantly. Try and enjoy it. Remember this is your show!