Monday, September 29, 2008

Scenes from an Opening

Even thought I carry my digital camera with me everywhere I go I always forget to take pictures.  So Thursday night was the reception for the Bitchin' at the Bad Dog Show where my piece Hell Cat was shown and the only photo I took was the one above.  That's right, the one where you can't even see who's in the photo. But you can see art hanging up in the background!  It really was an art show and not just me and two of my closest friends loitering in an alley!  Joanna Goss and Christian Campos are the ones in the picture.  I hate such a great night.  The show was packed with people, food and beer.  I drank all the PBRs I could stomach and then we all made our way to our favorite bar.  The next day was spent on the couch watching an all day marathon of The Pick-Up Artist.  If you haven't seen this show you're not missing anything.  But it made for a great hangover lazy day.
Check out Cassie's blog for more photos of the show and an awful picture of me making an awful face!

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