Monday, November 25, 2013

Making Stuff


How was your weekend? I hope you filled it with lots of sweet things like candy.

I did what I said I would do and I worked in my studio.  It felt so good. I'm excited about what I am working on finally and even feel motivated to work on both arts and crafts.  

Here is the progression of my latest drawing.

 At one point last night I was worried I was overworking it so I decided I should set it aside for a day or two before I figure out how to finish it. I hope the addition of the glitter will not be regretted later. My husband wasn't into it but he isn't into glitter as a general rule so I felt like I  could disregard his opinion.

I am fast at work on a new piece.  I'm going through old sketchbooks and am working with imagery that I created while I was in grad school.  At the time I was making these weird drawings I could never figure out how to use them in my work so they were mostly ignored.  Now I am excited to return to this because they are starting to mean something different to me so the thought process is a new one to work through.

It feels so good to be making stuff again.  And thank you to everyone who had such kind words to say. It helped keep me motivated in my down time.

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