Thursday, September 10, 2009

Food Rituals

So I had hoped by now I would have gotten those much anticipated student loans so I could purchase my new digital camera. I'm so tired of using photos from my phone because the quality is pretty poor. But! No loans yet! My bank account is looking pretty bleak. I have to pet it and talk sweetly to it so that it knows it should fill up again soon. Meanwhile I've been sort of shying away from my blog because I want to post better pics and can't. But I feel like I've been away too long. I've been away from the blog world too long. I haven't read any of your blogs lately because I've been so busy and I feel guilty guilty guilty because other than Bust magazine, your blogs are what I look forward to the most. I need to make this part of my new semester routine.
My semester is really going well so far. I love my class that I'm teaching, I really lucked out and have amazing students that seem to enjoy what they are doing/learning. My work is coming along which is nice because I can breathe easy over it. Also the people in my life make me smile and laugh all the time and it can't get any cozier than that. Good year so far!
Also! I'm going to the Renegade Craft Fair this Saturday in Chicago! It's my first time going and I can't wait. Maybe just maybe I'll have a camera by then. Everyone cross your fingers for me, please!
So what are these hard-to-see photos I've posted here? I was going through my phone and remembered I took pictures of all the food that was sent to my house when my Granddaddy died. It really got me thinking about the rituals of food and eating and how food is used as nourishment and comfort. So many amazing people came to us with all this delicious food. I love this sort of ritual that happens when someone dies because it's a way to see how thoughtful people are and how much they care. Everyone really chips in and takes care of everyone else. The food really symbolizes how people come together for others and there is absolutely nothing more comforting than that. When I came back to school my friend Emmi made me a plate of cookies and again I felt that warmth and comfort. I love moments like those. It's what keeps me the eternal optimist that I am because I know how good people are.
Just something to think about.
I sincerely hope you are all doing well. Take care and have a great great weekend!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

I equals so proud and enthusiastic about your growing interest in cooking. Now who buys organic snacks?!