I said many blogs ago that I would post more images of my manila envelope art so here's a new one. It's titled Ghostscape: Ladies Marching. You should be able to click on the images to see a larger size. I've had several critiques in the last few days and the envelope art seems to be a hit. I've been a little worried about them, not sure if they are capitol A art. I don't really care if they are or not but since I'm in grad school I feel the pressure to care. But the response to the pieces were good so I'm not going to fret about those things. Pfft. ( :
If you're reading this right now at a quarter to midnight on Wednesday night, Go to sleep soon! Good night!
Oooh! I like it! And those little ghosties you don't see right away - like that a lot! If you ever need to fast forward time, think of me because I'm in Sweden and it's been Thursday for 11 hours already (and I haven't done a thing yet! yikes!). And I will try to focus on America. There's still time... There's still time...
I'm glad it was at least thursday for someone!
Thanks for liking my new piece!
I love the colours you are using. The ladies look a bit scary, but with the light colours the piece is much more interesting. I really like your art!
You are capitol A Ann.
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