Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Performance

Oh wow oh wow. I had such a rad time with Cannonball press here. Thursday night we had the opening reception at the gallery and we all got to take part in their performance. It was lots of fun. I was the camera woman, that's me with a camera that everyone helped build and decorate. And Jessica Robles made a fancy light stick.
Here are Martin and Mike, they are about to do the big reveal of what's behind the curtain, notice the video camera?
The big reveal was a huge pig.
Martin cut it open.
It was filled with coins that depicted scenes about morality!!! Wow!!

If this is confusing at all it will make sense when I get the video of the performance on here. It's not a video from my cardboard camera... Someone from the school filmed it all for us. The performance was a take on the big deal syndication in the 80s of the opening of one of Al Capone's vault only to find an empty bottle and nothing else. This was really clever and fun. Video coming soon. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Looks cool! I like how oversized everything is :D
Nice graphics.