Friday, December 11, 2009


This is a terrible picture but look! I cooked! Okay, it's also an oldish photo but this is my absolute favorite thing to make. It's vegetarian chicken fajitas. I'm not a vegetarian but I've been using a lot of vegan and vegetarian recipes lately for healthy cooking.

Ok, just needed to brag for a second because I'm normally not the cooking type.

I've made it through this semester. It has been rough and it's been great. I learned a lot, I suppose that's what school is for. I grind my teeth more. I suppose that's also what school is for. I cry about the same as I used to cry. I cry a lot... I've cried a lot this week. Now one more semester to go. I'm sure the crying will go into over time as will the teeth grinding. And then... it's all over. I feel like it may ultimately be a little anti-climatic. I'm getting together plans for after I graduate. I'm applying for some things but if all else fails I have a pretty terrific person around here to keep me company should I continue to live here. Time will tell.

I have my last crit of the semester in an hour and a half. I'm a bit nervous. Cross your toes.

I updated the links on the sidebar. Take a look and discover some neat new websites and blogs. And don't forget to check out the new work in my shop.

Happy weekend.

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