Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yesterday I had a fabulous birthday! Once I got over all my usual birthday angst I was able to have a good time and enjoy myself. I even bought myself this awesome tiger hat. I only wear it around my house, not in public. It sort of makes me feel like I'm in an alternative Mickey Mouse Club. Tony the Tiger Club.

At home for Thanksgiving break I had a birthday cake with my family and I'm horrible for not documenting it. But last night my boyfriend surprised me with this decadent delight. Plus pad thai from my favorite restaurant. Sorry for such a blurry picture, we were in such a hurry to eat it and it was taking too long to get a picture taken. The Whinnie the Pooh things are candles. In my happiness I forgot to make a wish when I blew them out but I sort of feel like I don't need any wishes...
Also yesterday my friend Joanna surprised me when she came to town to visit. She left these balloons on my locker at school. The two deflated balloons were left from her last year. Anyone who knows me well knows balloons are my absolute favorite ever.

Joanna also gave me this fruit bowl filled with goodies. We spent some time at Barnes and Noble and got to catch up over coffee. That's my favorite way to spend my day.
Here are some other amazing gifts I got. A Starbucks theme from my mom and aunt. The one on the right is a cup designed to look like the disposable ones.
And the gift that nearly put me to tears was this beautiful perfume set from my grandparents. This belonged to my Grandmother and I used to play with it all the time. It seems so glamorous. So they gave it to me for my birthday and it's all mine! I'm going to play with it again and pretend like I'm a movie star.
My friend Anna got me this beautiful journal. I love having these in my purse because my mind is often going a million miles a minute and I need to write it all down.
My friend Janey made me this amazing embroidery with bichon frises on it. I love those dogs and how silly/cute they look.
And my friend Cameron made a major find. We once nicknamed each other Richard and Earl, I'm Ann Earl Flowers to her. So how funny is this coffee cup she found?
I also got plenty of awesome cards and other gifts that were lots of fun. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. And thank you to all who helped make my 27th birthday so awesome. I'm really happy at where I am in my life right now and look forward to the year ahead of me.

And tonight? I'm going out for drinks!


anna said...

Seems like a beautiful party ;)!
(oh and if your gonna make a list, please post it :))

Kim said...

a belated happy day :)

Jennifer Hayes Hugon said...

What a great birthday!

I love your tiger hat so much I went on a search for more cute animal hats on Etsy... :)


Hannah said...

Looks so lovely!